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Currency converter

of day January 1, 1970
Value: Currency:
3.207 PLN Poland
0.732 EUR European Union
1 USD United States
18.015 CZK Czech Republic
5.474 HRK Croatia
31.462 RUB Russia
0.639 GBP United Kingdom
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Price list

 Free Services 


free storage

  • Unlimited storage of your goods or purchases * 
  • Packing and preparation for shipping of your purchases, goods or parcels
  • Documentation, registration and addressing, notifications, statuses.
  • Consolidation (shipping several purchases, goods, items in one package)
  • The physical shipping address.


 Paid Services       

  • Photo of items in the package, 5 pictures: $6.00
  • Each additional photo: $1
  • Removal of documents from the pack: $2.00
  • Storage items / goods $1.00 / 0.5 pound, calculated in advance for the next 30 days 
  • Measuring package: $1.00 / pcs
  • Cancellation of unpaid orders, shipping $2.00 / pcs. in order.
  • Identification of  unknown package: $3.00
  • Repacking into a different package pa1.00 / per parcel
  • Separation of bulk shipments to several packages: $2.00 for a pack separated
  • Packing of goods or parcels to a decorative box: $10.00
  • Additional package / product protection: $6.00
  • Removal of goods / shipment: $3.00 / lb
  • Marking package “Fragile”: $0.50
  • Removal of prices or tags of goods: $0.50 / pcs
  • Reducing package dimensions: $4.00
  • Additional shipping box: from $1.50 to $30.00 depending on the dimensions of the product
  • Repackaging packages to bulk carton: $1.00
  • Weighing goods / shipment: $2.00
  • Custom service: $4.00
  • Services on request by email: $2.00
  • An order for services on request by e-mail: $2.00
  • Printing document: $1
  • Removing factory packaging of good: $1 / pcs
  • Additional residential shipping address: $5.00 / pk (Illinois, Indiana)



Prices of shipping cartons

storage box


M10 - $1.50
M20 - $3.00
M30 - $4.50
M40 - $6.00
M50 - $7.50
M60 - $9.00
M70 - $10.50
M80 - $12.00
M90 - $13.50
M100 - $15.00
PZ-1  - $22.50
PZ-2  - $30.00
To each of transaction is added 5% + $0.30 fee for service of credit / debit card 

Mass conversion

Mass: Unit:
3.207 kg [kilogram (SI)]
1 g [gram]
1 lb [pound]
16 oz [ounce]
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Look at what KurierUS gives you


Przesyłki Międzynarodowe

1. Storage of goods and parcels WebMag On-line

2. Storage of goods and purchases.

3. Mailbox address in the U.S.

4. Registration of shipments in the warehouse.

5. Free notification of the arrival of your purchase to the box

6. Free shipments consolidation 

7. Free to prepare and handing your package for shipment

8. Secure credit cards Visa, MasterCard, American Express

    and many other services





Unit: Pound kilogram

Copyright © KurierUS